Many of us have been stung on the skin by nettle leaves at some point in our lives, however they can be cooked to provide some wonderful health benefits. Many people consider this plant to be a weed, but it was used as a natural medicine in Austria, England still used to day. The leaves are known for stinging the skin when touched, this is caused by formic acid and histamines which cause a reaction on skin. When they are cooked they become perfectly safe to eat and no longer have the stinging effected. They are very healthy containing vitamin A, B6, calcium, iron and magnesium. Men who suffer with an enlarged prostate have found that nettle tea works well to ease the symptoms and prevent painful urination. Nettle tea is made by adding 2 cups of boiled water to 1 cup of nettle leaves. You can also use the roots in this tea if they are well cleaned. Drinking this will help to treat osteoarthritis and muscular pain due to it anti – inflammatory effects it has been said this can often work better than drugs. if you suffer with anemia, eating natural foods such as this will help to boost your iron intake, without the need for supplements. Many people drink this tea during the spring and summer time as it can prevent hay fever and allergic reactions to pollen. The roots of the nettle plant can be soaked in alcohol to make an antibacterial solution for wounds. These roots can also be made into creams that can be rubbed onto aching joints. If you drink nettle tea often, you can prevent kidney stones an urinary tract infections. They work as a medicine allowing the body to flush out toxins easily. The skin will also become very healthy, preventing oil build ups which cause pimples. It was perhaps most well known historically for it’s ability to help nursing mothers produce healthy milk for their babies, this will also helps to prevent cramps and menstrual pain. Women who are in the menopaused may also find nettle tea useful as it can help the body to process the elevated levels of the estrogenic hormone.

There are 11 health benefit of nettle leaf.
- Detoxifies the body
- Skin care
- Prevents kidney stones
- Aids in pregnancy
- Promotes feminine health
- improve circulation
- Anti – inflammation
- Strengthens bones
- Treats respiratory issue
- improves prostate health
- Protects heart health