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Traditional Remedies Store

Kombucha Tea Blend

Kombucha is a sweet, sour, and healthy beverage that originated in China over  thousand years ago Kombucha also spread widely in Japan and Russia then gained its popularity in Europe during the 29th century. Kombucha is a drink made from fermentation, the same process used in making beer, wine, and liquor, its also the process used in making other healthy foods like kimchi, sauerkraut, and yogurt, the primary ingredients of kombucha are bacteria, yeast, sugar, and tea the mixture is fermented for more than a week, causing acetic  acid the living symbiotic colony of bacteria and yeast, also known as SCOBy.

Kombucha has 7 health benefit.

  1. Provide probiotics
  2. Rich in antioxidants
  3. Kill bad bacteria
  4. Reduce  heart diseases
  5. May keep blood sugar levels
  6. May prevent cancer
  7. Weight loss