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Traditional Remedies Store

Castor Oil For Hair Growth Shampoo

If you’ve never used castor oil before, you are missing out. There are so many to make use of this effort able oil. in this video you will learn some of the best benefits and used of castor oil to health and wellness. 1. Acne treatment : Acne is a common skin condition that can have a big impact on self-esteem. While the best acne treatments vary from person to person, castor oil is an effective natural treatment that typically work for Varity of skin types, while some acne remedies dry out the skin, castor oil simply help to draw out dirt, oil, dead skin cells and bacteria. To use castor oil as an acne treatment, first fill a bowl with boiling water and lean over the stream, stay over the bowl for up to two minutes, then moisten a wash cloth with water. Add a dollop of castor oil to the cloth, then use it to rub your skin overnight, then wash with cold water in the morning. Dry your skin and follow with your usual morning skincare routine. Castor oil contains vitamin E, minerals, and proteins that make it an effective eyelash lengthening treatment. When applied to the skin at base of your eyelashes, the oil absorbs into your skin, moisturizing the area and promoting long , thick eyelash growth. Castor oil can use to heal the arthritis disease that is a painful long  term joint condition that can cause inflammation mobility. Though arthritis is not easy to cure there are numerous natural treatments that can ease arthritis pain and inflammation including, caster oil . The best way to treat arthritis with castor oil is to soak the oil in a flannels cloth and place it directly onto to your joints. leave the cloth in place for between 30 and 45 minutes to allow the oils to take effect. For even bigger benefits, place a hot water bottle or heat pad over the cloth. Many women have stretch marks ,  some people would rather not have them. To use castor oil for stretch marks. massage the oil into the effected area every morning and every knight. it best to mix one part castor oil with two parts almond or coconut oil  castor oil is perhaps best known for its abilities to thicken hairs so it makes sense that it can encourage thicker eyebrows . Castor oil is also good for cleaning the skin even the most basic skincare routine should include a daily cleanse. But commercial cleansing products tend to be expensive, and they often contain harsh chemical ingredients. Caster oil has cleansing and moisturizing properties . It can clean bacteria, dirt, dead skin cells and excess oil without drying out your skin. To use castor oil as a cleanser simply combine castor oil with a carrier oil, like coconut oil. scoop the oil onto the palm of your hand and rub your palms together to warm it up apply the oil to your face then leave for two minutes before washing off with warm water.   Caster oil has it’s ability to reduce wrinkles and fine lines. to use castor oil to reduce wrinkles and fine lines, wash your face and pat your skin dry with a towel, then massage a small amount of warmed castor oil into your skin. Repeat the process once a day to reduce the appearance of wrinkles. Castor oil is an incredibly popular for hair . It can reduce heat and stylish damaged, Prevent dry scalp issues, and hydrate hair.  breakage split ends cover your head either towel or shower cap and leave the oil for at leaser an hours overnight. wash your hair with shampoo and repeat one weekly for the best results. Castor oil is a good remedy for constipation, castor oil acts as natural laxatives encouraging the small intestine to move food though the digestive system, mix between 30 and 60 grams of oil with a glass of water and drink the contents of the glass you should feel the effects of the oil within 1 hours. Studies have shown that using castor oil daily can support the immune system, helping to improve lymphatic drainage and blood flow, and boost the healthy of the thymus gland. Castor oil is also good to heal ringworm. Ringworms is a fungal infection , cause a red ring like rash on the skin. Castor oil contain an antifungal agent that work jus as effectively as commercial treatments to kill the bacteria responsible for  ringworms.

There are 7 health benefit of caster oil.

  1. Shinny skin and nails
  2. Relieve constipation
  3. Help with joint pain
  4. Menstrual cramps
  5. Heal fungal infection
  6. use in eye problem
  7. Prevent hair loss